Analysis of the errors in the recent attacks on DSA and ECDSA using lattice theory
Abstract - Recently, in the attacks on DSA and ECDSA which based on the lattice have some new results that are published by Poulakis in [1, 2] and Draziotis in [3]. However, these papers still have some of the errors in the numerical computation examples, the definitions, and the feasibility of the attack. Namely, Poulakis [1] has an error in the numerical computation example. Draziotis [3] incorrectly defines polynomials that construct rows of matrices in the attack. Attack of Poulakis in 2016 [2] is less feasible and the numerical computation example on this paper is incorrect. We discussed with Poulakis and Draziotis about the above errors. They recognized these errors. The computationally verifiable results have made on the MAGMA Algebra Toolkit [4].
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Khúc Xuân Thành, Nguyễn Duy Anh, Nguyễn Bùi Cương